Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Niki Returns with a New Tattoo by Dr. Lakra

I think I'm within the statute of limitations for Thanksgiving, so let me say I am also thankful for past contributors sending me photos of new work that they want to share with the Tattoosday community.

Take Niki, for example, who I met in the summer of 2010, and whose tattoo appeared here. Out of the blue she recently sent me this e-mail:

"about a year ago, you featured my beautiful cat memorial tattoo (by John Reardon, who was at Saved Tattoo at the time). i follow your blog regularly.  you always feature beautiful work with interesting stories attached. i just got a crazy new tattoo that i thought i'd send along, in case you think it's worthy of sharing.  it was done by the incredible dr. lakra in oaxaca, mexico."

That's pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself. Skulls are common tattoo themes, so it is exciting to see a spin on that idea, and what better way to honor getting inked by a famous Mexican artist than by getting a skull with a tattered lucha libre mask?
Thanks to Niki for staying in touch and sharing her new tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

You can see more art by Dr. Lakra here in his Google photostream.

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In recent issue of GQ magazine (US edition), I came across this ad for The Art of Shaving:

The Chinese translation of "The Ambassador of Smooth" as 平稳大使 is contextually incorrect.

refers to stability, not related to physical surface condition, which shaving is about. Nor the American English slang usage of "smooth" in terms of finesse.

平稳大使 would be better suited as ad slogan for a physical therapy clinic, than hawking male grooming products.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Re-Post: Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for many things, especially my lovely wife and two amazing daughters. You, the readers out there in the world, are also people for whom I am thankful. Mahalo, as they say in my childhood home, for visiting often.

I am also thankful for the month of November, which always seems to be a slowdown month for me and Tattoosday. My posting pace slows significantly, despite still carrying a backlog of posts from the summer. Consider them my tattoo acorns that I'm saving for those cold days ahead when a tattoo sighting in New York generally means someone has removed their gloves or scarf!

Stay tuned in the weeks ahead for a flurry of book reviews, just in time for the holiday shopping season and, in the mean time, enjoy this post from last Thanksgiving, slightly edited, which appeared here.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

In honor of the holiday, I am sharing this, my newest tattoo, located above my knee on my right thigh:

This was done at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn yesterday as part of the shop's $75 Thanksgiving Tattoo Special ...

For those of you just tuning in, check the pre-post here, which includes all the Thanksgiving flash designed for the occasion. I asked readers to vote on which tattoo to get, and this one sneaked out a narrow victory over the traditional Native American profile.

I like this design because it combines a lot of traditional tattoo elements and delivers an image with a sociopolitical subtext. We have the traditional American flag and handshake designs, but the added element of crossed fingers serves as a reminder that, despite apparent good intentions, there was subsequently a historical betrayal of that initial good will.

But that's just one perspective, of course, and the Thanksgiving holiday focuses on the positive in our society. The mere existence of the tattoo reminds me to be thankful, which I alluded to in my original post.

I was fortunate enough to have BJ as my artist again. He had inked my Friday the 13th tattoo last August, and I appreciate that he works quickly and concisely.

BJ at Work
It was nice, also, that this design was one of his contributions to the flash sheet, as he was kind enough to embellish slightly on the original design, and it always seems better when an artist is tattooing his or her own design. As for the idea behind it, he was trying to represent graphically a broken treaty. I'm extremely pleased with the end result.

I want to thank all of the readers who voted for designs, and for everyone who reads and supports the site.

And thanks again to ... BJ at Hand of Glory, and to my family, at home in Brooklyn and across the U.S., for their support

This entry is ©2010, 2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I can contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Foto Top Model Korea Hwang Mi Hee

Mark's Dueling Sugar Skulls

On a Sunday back in July, I met Mark on the subway. He chose to share these tattoos among the many he has:

Full disclosure: it was this encounter that taught me an important lesson - my voice recorder doesn't do well on the subway.

I was able to ascertain that these companion pieces were inked with specific meanings. The blue tattoo on the right arm has the subtext of a break-up. Juxtaposed with that is the red piece which represents the rise of artistic expression.

These nearly-mirror image tattoos were credited to Shaun Carroll at Hod Rod Tattoo in Blackburg, Virginia.

Thanks to Mark for sharing these tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I can contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Barang - barang Aneh Yang Pernah Di Jadikan Untuk Bisnis Online

Bisnis online adalah cara baru perdagangan yang mulai marak, termasuk di Indonesia. Namun ada saja tingkah orang-orang yang berjualan barang dagangan berikut ini :

1.Tombol bertuliskan bullshit

2. Pembentuk telur rebus bentuk kotak

3. Tirai kamar mandi gambar pembunuh

4. Dompet dari daging babi

5. Air seni serigala

Ngakak : Politisi - politisi Dunia Yang Menor ( Aje Gile!!! )

Iseng sekali kreator foto rekayasa berikut ini. Sejumlah politisi kelas dunia, yang biasa tampil serius dan menghentak audiens, dirubah sedemikian rupa sehingga tampil menor dan centil. Anda pasti pangling dan tentunya kaget dengan perubahan tampilan mereka, seperti terlihat di bawah ini:

1. Silvio Berlusconi (Italia)

2. Fredrik Reinfeldt (Swedia) 

3. Hugo Chavez (Venezuela)

4. Fidel Castro (Kuba) 

5. Kim Jong Il (Korea Utara)

6. Dmitri Medvedev (Rusia)

7. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Spanyol)

8. Nicolas Sarközy (Prancis)

Unik : Inilah Struktur Bangunan Ramping Yang Ada Di Jepang

Negeri Sakura, Jepang, seakan tidak pernah berhenti berinovasi, bakat seni, ilmu serta pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh para imuwan, insinyur dan arsiteknya, tak pernah berhenti untuk mengakali segala kendala yang mereka hadapi. Seperti halnya membangung sebuah gedung, rumah, ataupun apartemen, karena biaya yang mahal serta lahan sempit, mereka mencoba membangun sebuah tempat tinggal ataupun tempat usaha dan kantor dengan arsitektur yang ramping dan minimalis. Seperti yang terlihat dalam foto berikut ini :








Keren : Instalasi Patung Yang Terbuat Dari Suku Cadang Mobil Tua

Artis asal Australia, James Corbett telah mencitpakan sebuah patung instalasi yang terbuat dari suku cadang mobil tua yang sudah usang dan tergeletak begitu saja di pelataran tempat sampah. Instalasinya tersusun dari gerigi, radiators, busi dan knalpot.

instalasi berbentuk gorilla

instalasi berbentuk mobil balap

instalasi berbentuk mobil balap zaman dulu

instalasi berbentuk kambing

instalasi berbentuk anjing

instalasi berbentuk tupai

intalasi berbentuk babi hutan

Inilah Desain Mobil Rumah Yang Paling Mewah Di Dunia

Perkembangan teknologi saat ini berjalan dengan sangat cepat. Banyak para ilmuwan, insinyur, telah mengembangkan sebuah temuan yang nyaman dengan desain produk nan indah menyerupai apa yang selama ini dimimpikan. Teknologi mutakhir membuat kehidupan menjadi lebih teknis dan setiap orang ingin melakukan semua keinginannya secara bersamaan.
Sebuah perusahaan terkenal dari Austria, Marchi Mobile, telah menemukan sebuah mobil mewah dengan harga termahal,  memiliki panjang 40 kaki. Mobil tersebut diberi nama eleMMent Palazzo. Mobil mewah tersebut memiliki fasilitas yang menyerupai sebuah rumah dan mobil sekaligus. Palazzo dibandrol seharga 2,9 juta dollar Amerika Serikat. Berikut adalah beberapa foto mobil rumah yang mewah tersebut:

Mobil ini memiliki ruangan istirahat yang besar, dilengkapi dengan televisi sebesar 40 inchi. Anda pun dapat menikmati sejuknya mandi di bawah kucuran shower, bersantai di lounge,  sebuah fasilitas yang terdapat di rumah mewah.

Mobil rumah ini dilengkapi dengan furniture yang mewah dan elegan, dan tata letak sedemikian rupa sehingga terlihat luas.

Anda dapat bersantai setelah lelah melakukan perjalanan panjang di sebuah lounge, di ruangan ini Anda dapat menikmati secangkir kopi bersama rekan dan keluarga anda.

Fasilitas yang dimiliki mobil ini memang sangat memanjakan para penghuninya, hidup seperti seorang rock star dan berkendara bagai pembalap pro’.

Anda dengan mudah dapat mengendarainya di malam hari, karena mobil ini dilengkapi dengan lampu besar, sehingga nyaman dalam berkendara. Bahkan mobil ini mampu beradaptasi dengan segala medan jalan yang dilaluinya.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wanita Ini Berumur 43 Tahun Tapi Keliatan Masih Ajib Gan!!!

Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age

Try and Guess This Girl’s Age

Try and Guess This Girl’s Age
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age 
Try and Guess This Girl’s Age
Masako is a Japanese housewife who believe it or not was born in 1968, which makes her an incredible 43 years old. She has two children, one of them being a 20-year-old daughter. Following multiple appearances in various women’s magazines, other middle-aged Japanese women started to idolize Masako. She also posts skin care tips and products, along with accessory and clothing suggestions on her blog. Not surprisingly, Masako spends five hours per day on her personal skin care.